Why Am I Always Tired?
Why Am I Always Tired?

Why Am I Always Tired?

Sleep is kind of like a precious commodity. When you’re getting enough, it’s easy to feel like you can take on the world. However, when we start to get tired, the opposite can often feel true.

Perhaps you’ve woken up a few times after a full night of slumber and still felt exhausted. Or maybe you’ve found yourself longing for a midday nap and wondered what’s going on. The truth is that sleep is complicated but always important. So to help break it down, here are a few important things to know about getting a good night’s rest:

Common Causes of Lost Sleep

Cause #1: Your Diet and Caffeine Consumption

As you likely already know, caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea and soda are great for boosting your energy, but not so great for bringing it back into balance. Additionally, new studies are finding more links between sleep and dietary sensitivities. Foods like sugar and refined carbs can spike blood sugar levels and subsequently crash, leaving you feeling more sluggish. Meanwhile, more nutrient-dense staples like vegetables and lean proteins can help decrease symptoms of fatigue. 

Cause #2: Your Mental Health
One less obvious culprit behind sleep deprivation can be your mindset. Stress, anxiety, and even depression can disrupt the body’s finely tuned circadian rhythms, causing your normal sleep patterns to go awry and deprive you of deeper rest. When this happens, you may feel more tired in spite of a full eight hours. Additionally, long term mental health challenges have been linked to increased inflammation and other chemical imbalances that impact restful sleep.

Cause #3: Your Lifestyle

Not getting enough ZZZs can sometimes be the result of any imbalance in your lifestyle or environment. Experts have cited everything from sedentary habits to too much screen time for draining your energy levels and making it difficult to get adequate rest. Even small disruptions such as a restrictive dieting or dehydration can lead to insomnia, meaning you’ll feel more tired during the daytime hours. In other words, it can be helpful to take a look at the big picture and make adjustments anywhere you’re feeling out of equilibrium.

A Few Easy Fixes for a Better Night’s Rest


Set a schedule and stick to it 

Because the body likes consistency, one easy tip to try is keeping a tight sleep schedule. By going to bed at the same time every night, you can more easily train your brain to wind down and fall asleep faster like clockwork. In addition to your A.M. alarm, consider setting a P.M. one that will tell you when it’s time to turn in.

Cultivate a calm space 

Another great way to promote better sleep and combat a busy mind is by making your bedroom a place for tranquil vibes only. Late night scrolling or watching television can increase alertness, so consider switching to a more sleep-inducing activity such as reading or meditation. Incorporating cozy sheets, cool temperatures or a soothing scent such as a lavender linen spray can work wonders for inspiring a more restful mood.

Supplement your sleep 

Knowing that nutrition can impact proper rest, you might also find it helpful to try a supplement that promotes inner peace. For reducing stress and increasing relaxation, Hush & Hush’s MindYourMind provides a holistic complex of magnesium, chamomile, valerian root, plus other essential nutrients that will help you drift off to dreamland and wake up feeling refreshed. 

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