Ozempic Insulin injection pen or insulin cartridge pen for diabetics. stock photo Dieting, Medicine, Injecting, Medical Injection, Syringe
Ozempic Insulin injection pen or insulin cartridge pen for diabetics. stock photo Dieting, Medicine, Injecting, Medical Injection, Syringe

The Correlation Between Ozempic and Hair Loss: What You Want to Know

Maybe you have been taking Ozempic for years to manage diabetes. Or perhaps you are experiencing life-changing weight loss because of it. Still others may currently be considering taking this blood sugar-lowering medication. Whichever situation describes you, it’s beneficial to understand all of the factors that might be a reality if you are taking or decide to take this now-popular medication. As an organization that is deeply passionate about all things hair health, there is one particular potential side effect that interests us. Although said to be quite rare, hair loss has been connected to Ozempic usage. What is the correlation between Ozempic and hair loss? We’re going to cover it all so you can make the most informed decision—and prep to support healthy hair during your semaglutide journey if it proves the right move for you. 

Is There a Connection Between Ozempic and Hair Loss?

The answer to this question is … probably. The widespread use of Ozempic is fairly recent. That means that researchers haven’t had much time to conduct long-lasting clinical studies and amalgamate their findings. That being said, doctors and pharmaceutical experts are observing anecdotal correlations between Ozempic and hair loss. But of course, that leaves us wondering, why would they be related? 

In fact, many medical professionals are not all that surprised, even if they can’t point to a study specific to Ozempic and similar medications. 

“Telogen effluvium is a diffuse shedding of hair that occurs approximately three months after a major stressor,” said Susan Massick, MD, in an interview with Heathline. We typically think of “stressors” as things like tight work deadlines or the death of a loved one. But we shouldn’t forget the element of physiological stress that comes from a major bodily shift. Many believe this could be playing a role in the relation between Ozempic and hair loss. 

Raman Madan, MD, agrees with this idea, noting, “With sudden weight loss, excessive amounts of hair enter telogen at the same time. During this time, new hairs do not enter anagen. As a result, you have excess hairs which are about to be shed without having new hairs growing to replace them.”

Other Factors in the Ozempic and Hair Loss Relationship

The stress of your body undergoing such a massive shift seems to be the likely culprit. However, there are other things to consider when contemplating this issue. Here are two of the supporting factors doctors are pointing to in explaining Ozempic and hair loss: 

Nutritional Deficiencies

One of the ways in which a medication like Ozempic works is by suppressing appetite. This can prevent food noise in those who struggle to maintain healthy levels of consumption. But it also means that you are intaking far fewer nutrients. Eating nutrient-dense whole foods when you are hungry can assist you in navigating this challenge. We also recommend supplementing with a protein-packed, nutrient-rich powder like our very own PlantYourDay

You’ll want to maintain healthy nutrient levels in whatever way you can, because that downward curve in nutrient intake may be partially to blame for the Ozempic and hair loss correlation. 

Hormonal Changes

We’ve discussed the impact of hormonal shifts on hair health before, namely when we shared our guide to treating postpartum hair loss last year. But the same sort of thinking can apply to Ozempic and hair loss. You might have wondered while reading the previous paragraphs of this post how exactly Ozempic suppresses appetite. Well, we didn’t make you wait long for the answer! Ozempic is able to suppress your appetite by mimicking the hormone called GLP-1. When the levels of this hormone begin to rise, it sends a message to your brain that you’re full.

Of course, as amazing as that technology is, any disruption of the body’s natural hormonal systems will cause some change to occur. This could result in hair loss, and some experts lean toward this theory when discussing the side effect. 

What’s the Solution? 

Well, first, we’ll remind you that Ozempic and hair loss problems do seem to be fairly rare—so don’t panic! If you’ve been excited about the life-changing benefits your doctor is telling you Ozempic could bring, do not let this post ruin your day. We simply want to help you safeguard your wellness—and luscious locks—however we can. 

To that end, here is what we think the solution is for those of us who still plan to take Ozempic or a similar medication: lifestyle backup. What do we mean by that? Well, when it comes to something like a medication side effect, there is never going to be a guarantee that you, individually, won’t experience it. But you can take steps to support your body through it all, in the hope that it might prevent that drawback or lessen its impact. Provide your body with some backup! 

If you plan to take Ozempic or a similar medication, it could be a good idea to take stock of your daily nutritional patterns. This is probably something your weight loss doctor is helping you evaluate anyway, so check that box! 

Second, consider being thoughtful about your haircare routines. What shampoo and conditioner are you using? Could a new serum be helpful? Are you supplementing with your hair health in mind? Mull it over, do some research, and dive into our DeeplyRooted collection. Our DeeplyRooted supplement includes ingredients that support all stages of hair growth (see Dr. Madan’s insights). 

By employing these two approaches to wellness, you can help to keep your body nutritionally and hormonally balanced as much as possible during your Ozempic journey. 

Is there a connection—if rare—between Ozempic and hair loss? Yes. Does that mean it can’t be the right choice for you? No. Consider our tips, talk with your doctor, and remember … everything in balance. 

We wish you a fruitful wellness journey, and we’re always here to talk hair health if you need us! ;)

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