thinning hair
thinning hair

The Connection Between Menopause and Hair Loss (And What You Can Do About It)

Why Does Menopause Cause Hair Loss? 

For starters, you might be wondering why this even happens. The answer is quite simple! During menopause, estrogen and progesterone hormone levels decrease. This is the reason women stop menstruating during menopause. But another impact lies in the lack of balance with androgens, which are male hormones. Because your female hormones have lowered, the effects of male hormones are amplified. One of those is hair loss. 

In essence, this is a normal and necessary part of aging. But don’t worry, because you do have options if protecting your tresses is important to you. 

How to Prevent Hair Loss in Menopause: Nutrition

A huge factor in preventing hair loss in menopause is nutrition. How we fuel our bodies plays a vital role in our hormone health throughout life, and menopause is no different! Doctors generally recommend eating a balanced diet to assist your body in transitioning through menopause fluidly. But there are certain ingredients that can specifically help to prevent excessive hair loss in menopause. 

First up, niacin. This powerful B vitamin “influences water transformation of skin, detoxifies skin and is necessary for keeping hair in proper state,” according to the National Institutes of Health in a study regarding hair loss in menopause. It can be found in meat, whole wheat grains, legume vegetables, seeds, milk, green leafy vegetables, fish, peanuts, shellfish, and yeast. 

Speaking of that, our second heavy hitter for nutrition during menopause is another B vitamin: pantothenic acid. This powerhouse strengthens cells in hair follicles, promoting hair health. 

Biotin, zinc, and B12 are three other go-tos whenever you are experiencing hair loss in menopause. 

If you aren’t the world’s healthiest eater, have no fear. Nutrition from whole foods is a core part of wellness, but supplements can be a powerful helpmate. Our DeeplyRooted formula includes all of the aforementioned ingredients, plus a few other hair-friendly additions. It might be your menopause game changer. 

Pro Tip #2: Reduce Stress

Alongside the ingredients that can have the biggest impact on hair quality during menopause, we want to highlight the effect of stress. Unusually high levels can cause hair loss, both in the context of menopause and generally. 

The thing to remember is that, when you are experiencing menopause, you are already working within a state of transition that is likely to cause hair loss. That means that if you add in any other contributing factors—like stress—you could compound the issue. 

Our advice? Take steps to reduce stress, because it can never hurt and in fact is helpful for many aspects of wellness. 

Sign up for some restorative yoga, make warm baths a part of your weekly routine, unplug from technology and ignore those work emails for a while—whatever equates less stress for you, do it. Your tresses will thank you—and your heart will, too. 

Remember, Hair Loss in Menopause Isn’t Usually Permanent

In most cases, women who experience hair loss during menopause see regrowth once this transition is complete. Regardless of what you do or don’t do during menopause, you will likely see a positive shift afterward. Consider the advice we’ve shared today as a way to nudge your body toward the best possible scenario: less hair loss during menopause and quick, healthy regrowth after. 

We hope these tips help you rediscover your most luscious locks!

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