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DeeplyRooted serum, hair serum, scalp serum, hair growth serum, hair growth oil, hair growth supplement, deeplyrooted, hush and hush serum

Say Hello to Thicker Hair

When it comes to helping people achieve the hair of their dreams, we’re a passionate bunch here at Hush & Hush. We truly find joy in reading your results and discovering new ways to bring even better hair care to your bathroom shelves. For us, it isn’t just about producing something profitable. That’s why we take the time to rethink our most successful products! Some say that if it isn’t broken, you shouldn’t fix it. We disagree. Innovation has always been Hush & Hush’s bread and butter, and we aren’t going to stop when something sells well. So, we’re excited to announce the relaunch of a fan-favorite product: our DeeplyRooted hair serum! Keep reading for all of the details …

What’s Different with the New Serum

Well, for starters, let’s clarify that there actually is not a difference in the formula of the DeeplyRooted hair serum itself. That was heavily researched and clinically studied. It has improved hair quality and volume for thousands of our customers, and we believe it remains maximally effective today.  

The actual change lies in the packaging. While this might not seem especially noteworthy, it is a game changer. Here’s why: our new and improved packaging includes an applicator designed to deliver the most product in an easy, targeted way. It ensures that your scalp gets every last drop of love from this powerful helpmate. 

We are thrilled to boost our product this way, and we hope you enjoy it too! 

All About the DeeplyRooted Hair Serum

For those who aren’t familiar with the DeeplyRooted hair serum in the first place, we’d like to take this opportunity to give you the 411. 

This cellular restoring treatment boasts powerful, plant-based ingredients. In fact, it includes more active ingredients than any other hair serum! By improving follicle regeneration, revitalizing thin, aging hair, and reducing shedding, this serum packs a punch. 

In a third-party clinical study, conducted on 10 males and 10 females suffering from androgenic alopecia, the following was observed: 

  • 78% increase in hair growth in just 3 months
  • 33.3% decrease in hair loss during pull test
  • 79% increase in the number of hairs per cm2 after 4 months

Those stats are no small thing. But if you need more insight into the possibilities, take a scroll through the product’s reviews. From thicker locks to baby hair regrowth, the testimonials are inspiring. 

We hope you are as excited about our new and improved DeeplyRooted hair serum as we are, and we’d love to hear about it on social! Tag us in your serum snapshots. 

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