Red Nail Polish, Nail Polish, Heart Shape, Spilling, Paint
Red Nail Polish, Nail Polish, Heart Shape, Spilling, Paint

Hair, Skin, and Nail Trends for Valentine’s Day

As we approach the day of love, who can be blamed for feeling all bubbly and romantic? Even if you aren’t usually the lovey dovey type, there is just something about February 14th that inspires a little trance of soft feelings and pinky hues. Personally, we’re big fans. So here we are, sharing our favorite hair, skin, and nail trends for Valentine’s Day. Grab yourself a blush-toned beverage and be ready to take notes. We’re exploring the styles, routines, and colors you’ll find delight in trying out this February. 



Curls, Curls, Curls

We’re going to start by suggesting a simple, tried-and-true style for romantic vibes: curls. Specifically, those soft, almost wavy, old Hollywood glamour type of curls. The volume and flowing nature of this style makes it feel decadent and intoxicating—romantic indeed. Honestly, this ranks more as a timeless look than one of this year’s trends for Valentine’s Day. Nonetheless, it deserves a place on this list. 

Flower Braid

Search up “flower braid” on Pinterest and prepare to be struck with awe. If you haven’t heard of this hair style, which is more like an art form, you are going to be blown away. Explore the various ways of accomplishing it and settle on one that seems suited to your hair, then get to work on your garden of luscious locks. What is more Valentine’s Day-coded than flowers? 

Tousle It Up 

If you want to bring something extra to your look for the 14th but aren’t ready to commit to learning a major new style, try giving it a tousle. Tousled hair has long been synonymous with a sexy look—key among trends for Valentine’s Day, for obvious reasons! While the actual styling of this is as simple as flipping your head upside down and combing through your strands with your fingers before flipping it back, product can help add to the sense of fullness you’ll want. 

Our Deeply Rooted Hair Serum can accomplish this in the long run. As for styling in the moment, Kenra’s Dry Texture Spray 6 is raved about by many. 

Skin Routines

Eye Masks

While using eye masks is by no means revolutionary, we think it’s a fun idea to revisit for Valentine’s Day—or with the girls on Galentine’s Day! This is one of those skincare items that doesn’t always feel practical enough for your daily routine, but does have proven benefits. It’s worthwhile to circle back to eye masks every now and then! 

If you’re looking for a recommendation, we love Image Skincare’s Restoring Eye Masks … they are divine. 


Now for something we really feel you should add to your routine permanently, as a gift to yourself! If you ask us, this should be the greatest of trends for Valentine’s Day ever. Because it’s the gift that will keep on giving in so many ways. 

This could probably go under every category we’re talking about today, since collagen supports healthy hair, skin, and nails. You can learn more by exploring all of the info on our Collagen+ supplement. That said, the skincare short list is this: better elasticity, softer texture, moisturization, reduction of crow’s feet, reduction of fine lines, and a more even skin tone. Yes, really! 

Facial Rolling/Gua Sha

The best part about this skincare tip as one of our trends for Valentine’s Day is the self-care-centric process behind it. This isn’t a product you can quickly apply and forget about. Facial rolling is considered an art form in many circles, and there are plenty of tutorials to walk you through it. Add your own flourishes for a personalized, slow, and sumptuous addition to your routine. 

To give it a festive twist, consider starting off with a pinky rose quartz roller or qua sha tool. Lanshin is often considered the front-runner in this field, and they have a few rose quartz options. 

Nail Colors and Looks 

Little Hearts Everywhere

Whether you are a nail guru in your own right or plan to dip (pun intended) into the salon, adding some on-theme nail art is the perfect choice for Valentine’s Day. It feels on-brand with the current coquette movement too, but as trends for Valentine’s Day go, we can’t say no to some sweet little nail art hearts.  

Classic Red

While red nails are a true classic fit for every month of the year, February is a special time to celebrate them. If experimenting with shape is more your thing than thinking outside-the-box in terms of color or art, pick your favorite red and get funky with shapes instead.  

Glazed Donut Nails

We know, we know … this trend has “been there, done that” energy. But hear us out: Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to bring back this Hailey Bieber favorite if you’ve been wanting to. With a pearly feel, the glazed donut nail exudes femininity. It also makes us think of donuts, which is super on par with a holiday all about sweets. 

Whether you decide to focus on trends for Valentine’s Day that center on hair, skin, or nails, we hope these ideas spark all of the romantic joy for you. 

Be sure to tag us on social if you share your Valentine’s Day trend choices! 

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