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best vegan recipes

3 Tips for Eating Healthy On The Go

Unfortunately, in our modern world, pausing to adequately nourish and feed our bodies can sometimes be easier said than done.

To help you out, here are a few fast tips for getting nutrition right, regardless of a busy lifestyle:

Tip #1: Prioritize breakfast

If starting the day sluggish is your challenge, try focusing on your breakfast routine first. Experts say that eating breakfast is what helps us stay energized and focused longer, so getting a good balanced meal first thing in the morning is key. Make it a goal to include protein, healthy fat, and fiber in order to stay fuller longer and power through to your next meal.

If you can’t swing a sit-down breakfast, it’s totally acceptable to opt for quick options like yogurt, a piece of fruit, or a granola bar. You could also add a supplement such as Hush & Hush’s PlantYourDay, which includes vegan protein, probiotics, and a host of other essential nutrients. It blends well in your favorite protein shake or even your cup of morning coffee.

Tip #2: Plan and prepare ahead

Some say the real trick to eating healthy, even on a tight schedule, is to be super prepared. Meal prep is one easy way to get ahead of your game, pre-chopping fresh fruits and veggies or dividing up healthy snacks into serving-size containers are a few great ways to eliminate guesswork and keep you eating on plan all week.

Another good strategy for being prepared is to write down a meal plan in advance. Doing so not only makes shopping easier for the week but helps you troubleshoot potential pitfalls in advance. You might also consider keeping healthy snacks on hand in your purse, car, or gym bag in case of emergency. That way you’ll never go hungry or be tempted by less nutritious options.

Tip #3: Embrace easier options

Something that stops many people from committing to a healthier diet is the idea that meals need to be prepared from scratch to be healthy. However, this idea is false. These days you have plenty of healthy grab-and-go items to choose from, so don’t be afraid to seek out convenience options that make eating healthier easier for you.

Canned or frozen produce is known to be just as nutrient-dense as fresh foods, so don’t sweat it or feel guilty if these options work better for you. The same goes for fast food. While not the most ideal choice, sometimes takeout is your only option. Luckily, most menus today feature healthier fare to choose from. Look for menu items with lots of veggies, healthy fats, fiber, and lean meats and you’ll likely find you have at least a few good options.

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